The most significant is that dog owners are required for the first time to complete approved training to demonstrate responsible dog owner knowledge and behaviour in order to be considered a responsible dog owner.
The council's initial proposal was the requirement of a written test; however, there were objections from submitters who said this would unfairly disadvantage some owners.
Council senior policy analyst Justin Walters said dog owners who already had responsible status would not be required to complete the training.
"New owners and those who don't currently have responsible owner status will need to complete the training in order to qualify," Walters said.
"The courses are free to attend."
Dog owners who complete the training and meet other criteria will be eligible for a 10 per cent discount on their registration fee. Owners can register for the training from July 1.
Increased dog access will be allowed on Castlecliff and Mowhanau beaches by allowing under control off-leash access from the southern bluff of Mowhanau Beach to Karaka Stream at all times.
From south of Karaka Stream to Whanganui River dogs will be permitted under control and on a leash at all times.
Dogs will also be required to be under control on a leash on all walkways, cycleways and shared paths in places where dogs are not prohibited.
The provisional period for probationary dog owners will increase from 12 months to up to 24 months.
Other minor amendments to the previous policy have included a redraft of the wording to improve clarity and ease of use and redrafting of the bylaw.
The council was required to update its Dog Control Policy and Bylaw under the Dog Control Act 1996.