People in parts of Whanganui are being pestered by ants biting them in bed at night or swarming up their legs while they hang out the washing.
City pest management technician Gary Clark has been getting up to six phone calls a day, asking for help to control them. He says help is at hand with a new product.
The ants are an Argentine species relatively new to the area.
They seem to be established in three parts of the city, Mr Clark said. Those are St John's Hill, Gonville-Castlecliff and the central city, especially Campbell and Bell streets. A fourth part may be on the way - he's been getting a few calls from Aramoho lately.
In warm weather the ants are "rampaging", he said. They boil up out of the ground and up the arms of people who are gardening, and they walk shoulder to shoulder in wide groups along fencelines and mowing strips.