"With the influx of Samoan families into the Rangitikei district it was very fitting to have Robbie here in Marton and he was thrilled to be a part of it," Ms Meads said.
The key note speaker at the conference was Zizi Charida, founder of Community Minds NSW.
"She took us on a journey, thinking about asset based community development, looking at what makes us strong in the district not focusing on what is wrong," said Ms Meads.
Speaker Erena Mikaere-Most from Ruapehu Whananu Transformation Project also gave a key note speech on the successes of the project which is focused on the strengths of the small towns in the Ruapehu district.
There were workshops facilitated by Professor James Liu, head of psychology at Auckland University and Andrew Tripe, founder and director of SamePage Group, which helps organisations transition people so that everyone is on the same page and heading in the same direction to achieve the best results.
Ms Meads also shared her experience and expertise in mapping and harnessing community assets to drive community-led development.
Deputy Mayor of Rangitikei Nigel Belsham made the introductions and spoke of how community-led development needs to start from "where we are now, not where we want to be."
"We have brought together experts who will support us in our discussions, they have stories and insights to share with us and I thank them for their contribution," said Mr Belsham.
"I want especially to welcome the members of our newest community, from Samoa, who are making the Rangitikei their home - I want to thank you for sharing your stories and insights and nurturing our bicultural past into a multi-cultural future."
The conference was followed by an informal meeting at Mad Toms in Marton where Rangitikei business people were able to meet the visiting speakers and learn about their work.