And they're not alone the Principals' Federation, NZ Educational Institute and a bunch of teachers and educational academic have all said there are better options that allow teachers to increase the quality of teaching, like expanding special education services, providing more teachers' aides and setting smaller class sizes.
The second moment was when I started to dream about a winter family holiday. Then it hit me that after July 22, when Mr Four becomes Mr Five, we will be amongst the rest of you who time your leave with the school holidays to avoid taking your children out of school.
I've also sympathised with my workmates who had to use their precious annual leave to look after their children when they don't have other childcare options soon it will be my turn.
But the most heart-breaking instant this week was hearing of the death of Auckland dairy owner Arun Kumar and the age of his alleged attackers.
A 13-year-old is charged with his murder and, along with a 12-year-old, is facing aggravated burglary charges too. I read that the 12-year-old was too small to see over the dock properly in court.
While my heartfelt condolences go to the Kumar family, I also feel for the family of this kid accused of taking a life, and the children themselves.
I'm a mum; I have two wonderful boys. I know what it's like to go through pregnancy, growing an amazing little human being inside your body. I know what it's like to feel immensely proud of my boys for their achievements, especially being kind to each other.
I can't imagine what it must be like to have your child be accused of murder. I can barely imagine what it's like to discover your kid got into trouble at school.
My biggest worry as a mother is getting on top of Mr Two's re-invigorated biting phase. Some say bite him back, but that's ridiculous how can you teach a child not to hurt through hurting?
I have been accused of being too liberal in my parenting, particularly around not smacking; however, I'm happy with how my boys are developing.
An unusual example is my big boy getting really frustrated with something, spinning around, raising a fist to me and saying angrily: "I feel so angry. I really want to hit you".
But he didn't. Now this story is not my favourite of motherhood to date, yet I still feel proud that he didn't hit. Even at 4 years old, he is developing impulse control and making choices not to be violent.
Next week I'm attending a presentation on development by the Brainwave Trust and know there will be more reinforcement of positive parenting something I strongly suspect these two Auckland kids did not receive.
What chances did they get in their now-abbreviated childhood? They are too young to be written off.
Nicola Young is a former Department of Conservation manager who now works for global consultancy AECOM. Educated at Wanganui Girls' College, she has a science degree and is the mother of two boys.