After all, our time is our own. There’s always next week.
So, last week we sat down for a coffee and discussed items for the To Do list.
The way we do it is each bring our own lists then we discuss what should get priority. That’s where the fun started.
My list was pretty predictable. It always is.
“Have coffee” and, er, “cuddles” featured prominently. And, as expected, they were assigned a relatively low priority. Though it must be said the latter featured a lot higher on the priority list than I expected so I’m thinking all the country air we are getting where we are at present is paying dividends.
On Mrs P’s list, and being pushed for some importance on the priority list, was an intriguing item - “Buy outfit for wedding”.
Momentarily I was flummoxed.
Wedding? What wedding? Had we been invited to somebody’s big day and I’d forgotten about it?
I knew I’d have to tread carefully here.
Lately I have embraced the gypsy lifestyle to the extent My Beloved has accused me of completely dropping out of society without a care in the world.
She says I’ve not been listening when we’ve discussed “important” matters and I’m away with the fairies half the time.
In my defence, I suggested the term “important” was completely subjective. I mean things she finds “important” may not be so to me. And vice versa of course.
As for being “away with the fairies”, I think she’s referring to the glazed, befuddled look which spreads across my face when “important” items are outlined to me.
In my defence on that one, Your Honour, er, I have none. I plead guilty. Can I go back to my chair in the sun now please?
So there’s a wedding. And I knew I’d have to ask which one.
“Our son’s,” she said with some surprise. “Don’t tell me you’ve forgotten it.”
Indeed I hadn’t. I mean it would be pretty impossible to overlook the way things have all panned out for No.1 Son over the last two years or so. Studies complete. Overseas posting. Engagement. Baby. And now a wedding. Hollywood producers looking for a good film to make should contact me forthwith.
But right now I had to answer Mrs P.
“But the wedding isn’t until next February” I replied. “February 2026. That’s a whole year away. Why do you want to get your outfit now?”.
I should quickly point out here I actually have no problem with Mrs P doing what she wants, when she wants, in terms of her wedding outfit. Who am I to say what she should or shouldn’t do?
It was just the fact it is a full 367 days. Or 8808 hours. Or 528,480 minutes. Or 31,708,800 seconds until the happy couple says “I do”. How come the outfit has to be sorted now?
I’d imagine us blokes will probably wait until the week prior before we even start to think about what shirt we are going to wear.
Even then you can bet we’ll forget socks or something and have to buy them on the morning of the big day.
“I’m probably not going to buy the outfit yet,” said Mrs P in response to my incredulity. “But I’m just looking for a style.”
Obviously, being the style guru that I am, I completely understood what she meant – ahem – and decided to assist.
“So what are we thinking?” I said. Note the use of the word “we”.
There followed an excited sentence or five with associated hand movements which seemed to get more animated as the description wore on.
I will be completely honest here. I got the phrase “not mumsy” and “stylish” but I’m afraid I was kidnapped before the end by this bunch of fairies who just happened to creep into my mind and distract me at the time.
Thankfully, the old standby comment on such occasions was, well, standing by and I employed it to good use and consequently got back in Mrs P’s good books.
“That sounds amazing,” I said trying to sound supportive, enthusiastic and convincing all in one sentence. “I can’t wait to see it.”
Momentarily, she looked at me oddly which had me thinking she might have said she was planning to wear an old bed sheet, just to try to catch me out, but the look soon evaporated and became a smile.
Once again all was well in the world.
Now that I’ve had a bit of time to get my head around this looking for an outfit thing a year out from the actual wedding, I can see there might be a bit of a silver lining to the cloud.
I figure if I continue to show enthusiasm and support for the project as the year progresses My Beloved will be impressed with my commitment.
And in recognition of that, maybe “coffee” and “cuddles” will find their way a bit further up the To Do list priority order some weeks.