Each week a member of the community tells us what their perfect weekend in the region would be. This week Mike Tweed spoke to Rachel Dickison, a Whanganui-based artist specialising in ultra-realistic pencil drawings.
I’ll go down to the Saturday [Whanganui River] markets, have a really good day and sell lots of prints. Oh, and the weather is really good.
As a treat, I’ll have a cinnamon bun from Cinnamonui.
Then, if it’s daylight savings and I have a lot of energy left, my sister and I will head out to Bushy Park for a walk. We get very excited about the piwakawaka, saddlebacks and kererū.
The perfect end to the evening would be getting a beverage and listening to some live music and/or comedy. We would probably end up heading to Porridge Watson, which is the best place for that.