Song of the day is a further installment of the 'Rolling Stones Appreciation Revival' and is titled Can't You Hear Me Knocking and comes from the same (Sticky Fingers) album as last week's under-appreciated issue, Sister Morphine. Sticky Fingers is a worthy 9.75 on the Mark-o-Meter.
This song also plays on the Stones' bad boy image with the opening lines of "Yeah, you got satin shoes, Yeah, you got plastic boots, Y,all got cocaine eyes, Yeah, you got speed freak eyes", and this song could be considered to be an epic composition by Jagger/Richards standards as it lasts 7'15". In fact the original song was only written to be around 3' long, however in the studio, when the 'as written' song finished, instead of stopping (my hero) Mick Taylor just kept on playing as the others put their instruments down. They then picked them back up again and joined in on the 'jam', and thanks to God, the engineer had left the tape running in the recording studio.
Taylor's guitar solo here is ranked as one of the best ever and the others playing here are Bobby Keys on Sax, Nicky Hopkins on piano, Billy Preston on Keyboard and Rocky Dijon on congo.
Now I need to point out one fact for you from YouTube. I think I am right in assuming you have never heard this song before. Well would you believe it, but as I wrote this, the song had 22,902,797 hits!
How is it that a song so good, and so appreciated that it gets 22 million YouTube hits, has never been played to you on the radio before?