Wanganui drivers who have a mobility card have been reminded that the card does not give them carte blanche to park wherever they like.
That message has come from the Wanganui District Council after a local woman complained to the Chronicle.
The elderly woman, who did not want to be named, said she was "surprised" to get a parking ticket even though she had displayed her mobility card in her vehicle when she had parked in a metered space in the inner city. She had bought the card in the early 2000s and said if the rules about its use had changed, she was not aware of it. And she said several of her friends had also received parking tickets.
But Melanie Heron, council's customer services group manager, said the mobility card did not give the holder the right to park in normal meter spaces for free.
"A mobility card only gives the holder the right to park in a mobility designated car space and it does not provide free parking," Ms Heron said.