If our environment is supportive of good health, it's much easier for us to be healthy, and Healthy Families Whanganui Rangitikei Ruapehu is about making healthy choices easier where we live, learn, work and play.
There are some really proactive schools, workplaces, sports clubs, churches, marae and other settings that are doing great things to help support the health of our community from workplace wellness programmes, to water-only schools, smokefree environments and alcohol harm reduction initiatives.
We all have the ability to make small changes within our environment that collectively could make a big impact and, in our monthly column, we will profile some of the great things that are happening in our community and the people that have been leading healthy change.
In the past 20 years, there have been many milestones that have changed the landscape on our journey towards a Smokefree Aotearoa 2025. Gone are the days when teachers used to smoke in the classroom, people used to smoke in bars and clubs, even on the paepae at the marae, and cigarette companies sponsored all our major sports events.
We've come a long way - not quite far enough - but a long way nonetheless. Locally we've been proactive and, in some cases, leading the charge - the Tupoho complex that houses Tupoho Whanau Trust, Rangahaua Marae, Awa Fm, Te Oranganui Iwi Health Authority and other organisations has a green smokefree line around the whole complex.