Just back from my daily workout in the local park. The meth heads were somewhat bemused by the fuller-figured old guy doing his calisthenics amidst the blue haze. It's always difficult trying to improve on perfection. They likely wonder what weird drug I am on to perform such unnatural gyrations.
Medical cannabis sensible but recreational use must not be commercialised
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Green Party MP Chloe Swarbrick inspects a medicinal cannabis nursery and dispensary in California last year. Photo / file
Yesterday I sat in a cafe. At the next table was a mother and teen daughter. The mother was very corporate, wearing a cream power suit. She was on her iPhone making various appointments, occasionally looking up and lecturing the teen on her posture and appearance. Periodically the teen would spark up a joint. Her mother would retreat in disgust to her corporate digital interactions. It was a sad scene.

New Zealand will hold a referendum on our legal approach to cannabis in 2020. I tend to favour decriminalisation, especially for medical use.
But I oppose full legalisation. Legalisation allows marketing. It allows businesses to promote greater use as in any profit-driven industry. It allows home delivery, drive-through retailers, cookies, cakes and other product variants to attract more customers. The bulk of these customers will be young people. There will always be an element with addictive traits. Like most mood-altering substances, including alcohol, dope can be very addictive for some people. Like alcohol, it can destroy lives.

A profit-driven legal cannabis industry with the ability to market and develop product variants to generate more customers would be the worst of all scenarios. We need to proceed with great care. The framing of the referendum is crucial.
Peter Lyons teaches at St Peter's College in Epsom and has written several economics texts