Mahuta said marae are the focal point for Māori – for whānau, hapū and iwi.
"Marae reflect and represent Māori identity, language, mātauranga and whānau wellbeing.
"These initiatives will strengthen whānau and communities, not only by investing in the physical restoration and revitalisation of marae buildings, but also through the protection and preservation of the culture and heritage of marae.
"Many marae are in desperate need of repairs and maintenance work, like other community facilities, and this funding is realistically the only financial investment some of them will ever receive."
The types of upgrades that will be funded include plumbing, carpentry, electrical, painting and landscaping. It includes work on covered walkways and shelters, resealing carparks, installation of ramps and safety rails, repair of water boilers, guttering and spouting, installation of fire sprinklers and the completion of carvings.
"Applicants are also working closely with the Ministry of Social Development to identify workers who need redeployment due to the economic effects of Covid-19 to carry out this work," Jones said.
Marae within the wider region that have had funding approved are:
Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Trust: $836,930 for seven marae (Makaranui Marae, Raetihi Marae, Maungarongo Marae, Mangamingi Marae, Opaea Marae, Te Kahui Maunga - Tirohanga Marae, Te Kahui Maunga - Raketapaumu Marae); 95 jobs.
Rakautaua 1C Maori Reservation – Whangaehu Marae: $377,123 for Whangaehu Marae restoration and renovation; 24 jobs.
Kōriniti Marae Māori Reservation Trust: $287,183 for Ōtukopiri Kōriniti Marae development; 19 jobs.
Ngāti Rangatahi Whanaunga Association: $1,560,379 for renovation of Taumarunui marae cluster (Māniaiti Marae, Whanau Maria Marae, Kauriki Marae, Ngapuwaiwaha Marae, Hikairoa/Te Rena Marae, Wharauroa Marae, Takaputiraha Marae, Manu Ariki Marae); 156 jobs.
Ngā Waihua o Paerangi Trust: $239,367 for two marae (Te Kahui Maunga - Tirohanga Marae, Te Kahui Maunga - Raketapaumu Marae); 34 jobs.
Te Poho o Matapihi Trust: $629,133 for Te Awa o Whanganui Putiki Marae; 50 jobs.
Te Kaahui O Rauru: $522,926 for three marae (Te Aroha Marae renovation, Waipapa Marae upgrade, Te Ihupuku Marae renovation); 92 jobs.
Whenuakura Marae Trustees & Beneficiaries Trust: $229,345 for Whenuakura Marae upgrade; eight jobs.
Te Runanga o Ngati Ruanui Trust: $1,479,479 for Ngāti Ruanui Marae renovation (Meremere Marae, Ngarongo Marae, Pariroa Pa, Taiporohenui Marae); 35 jobs.