People wanting to know what the Maori New Year is about can go to a free workshop at the Whanganui Regional Museum tomorrow night.
Led by the museum's kaitiaki taonga Maori/kaiwhakaako Awhina Twomey, it is in the Davis Lecture Theatre from 5.30pm to 7.30pm.
At the Wananga i a Puanga, they'll learn what the new year - Puanga to Whanganui Mori - means and how it was traditionally celebrated with gathering and feasting, learning about migration, battles and whakapapa (geneaology), reflection and preparation for the year to come.
They will be shown how to find the important stars - Puanga (Rigel) and Matariki (the Pleaides) - and there will be an activity, time for questions and supper to follow.
People will be pleasantly surprised what they can incorporate into their celebrations, Miss Twomey said. She and her children have celebrated for years by building a fire outside before dawn and reciting karakia, waiata and whakapapa as they watch for the special stars to appear above the eastern horizon.