More than 3000 visitors attended Whanganui Girls' College facilities over the weekend for the annual Hui Aranga (Easter gathering) for Maori Catholic clubs.
On Saturday, teams used the new courts at the school to play netball, badminton and tennis. Organiser Mere Whanarere said senior rugby teams also took buses to Cullinane College to play on the fields there. "It has been a wonderful weekend, and the facilities here have been fantastic," she said. "We brought some portable showers on site, but the bathroom and kitchen facilities have served us well."
The celebration continued yesterday with the Mass of the Resurrection in the school hall, attended by about 1800 people spilling out into the foyer and grounds. "We are now holding quizzes for different age groups and preparing the haukai (feast), and after we have eaten we will have some more quiz time."
The weekend was to wind up last night with senior kapa haka performances followed by prize-giving. Ms Whanarere said there would also be a hand-over ceremony where a statue of the Virgin Mary would be passed to representatives of the Tauranga branch of the Catholic Maori Club, who will host the Hui Aranga next year.