January usually opens with a reasonably strenuous day walk and in 2021 it will be a crossing of Egmont National Park from the Maude Track to the Mangorei Track. Other day walks will be on the Mania Track in Ruahine Forest Park, Horopito Track in Tongariro National Park and to Waiaua Gorge Hut in Egmont National Park.
As well, there will be a long weekend of mountain biking at Hastings and two days exploring Waiinu Beach.
The full programme for January is:
Saturday or Sunday, January 2 or 3, Egmont crossover, leaders Adrian and Dave
Friday-Monday, January 8-11, Whangamomona revisited, leader Dorothy
Saturday or Sunday, January 9 or 10, Mania Track, leader Tracey
Thursday-Friday, January 14-15, Waiinu Beach, leader Esther
Friday-Sunday, January 15-17, Mountain biking Hastings, leaders Mike and Mark
Saturday or Sunday, January 16 or 17, Horopito track, leader John
Saturday-Monday, January 23-25 Waitaanga Forest revisited, leader Basil
Friday-Tuesday, January 29-February 2, Tararua circuit, leaders Mark and Dave
Saturday or Sunday, January 30 or 31, Waiaua Gorge Hut, leader John
Make all inquiries about trips to Barbara phone 348 9149 or Dorothy phone 345 7039.
The midweekers have a full programme of interesting trips every Wednesday.
Those who get out on Thursday are in two groups, with a longer walk on January 7 and 21 and a shorter one for the TT2 group on January 28. The Wednesday contact is Victoria, phone 027 6888 190, and the Thursday contact is Val, phone 345 0456.
To join weekend trips call the leader by the previous Tuesday at the latest. Call by the night before for day trips. As some trips have limited numbers, leaders have the final say about who to take as they are responsible for the safety and well-being of everyone on their trips.
For further information contact Barbara at 348 9149 or visit our website www.wanganuitrampingclub.net.
There is no club meeting in January.