There was a change of focus at the Poukiore sheep dog trials this year, away from open competitors and towards the maiden competitors with maiden dogs.
In place of the discontinued station challenge that has run for the past four years, was a $500 prize, thanks to CR Grace, for the maiden man and dog competing in the longhead, and a similar prize on the straight hunt. The $10 dollar entry fee did not put anyone off with 50 dogs entered.The standard reached was surprisingly high. Ben Thompson, from Riminui Station in the Waitotara Valley, came third in the open event, running Glen - a dog he was given aged 1-year-old. Together, they bagged the $500 prize, and also collected the intermediate and maiden prizes.
Ben Thomas, a shepherd from Ngamatea Station on the Taihape Napier road, won the straight hunt prize. His dog, Thud, kept the sheep in a straight line but a few minor dog faults kept him out of the major open placings.
Sam Duncan's Belle won the straight hunt - her third win in the centre this season taking her top dog points to 15, one behind Finn Rowland's Coal. The longer zigzag hunt event was won by George Shannon's Charge. George is a grandson of former club member the late Jack Welsh. The ewes on the hunt courses have revelled in the abundance of grass this year and because of their condition struggled at the top of the course, either going sideways or not staying together.
Finn Rowland won the longhead with Meg, to bring him within three points of the second dog, Rob Mather's McQueen on 16. The ewe lambs worked well though they had a tendency to go right as they left the hook and the tight fence on side of the hook made it difficult for the dog to get across to straighten them. This should be remedied by next trial.