He fell 8m onto the rocks below, breaking a leg and causing other injuries.
He managed to reach the nearest neighbour 12 hours later and was taken to hospital but died of his injuries.
He had the presence of mind to feed his dogs before making his last slow and painful journey out over his track.
Traversing Burtton's Track from Scotts Rd to Tokomaru Valley Rd is through pine forest and native bush and takes six to seven hours.
A number of river crossings are necessary. These are easy in low water but should not be attempted during flooding.
The Wanganui Tramping Club's weekend programme for February is:
• 5-7 Sat-Mon, Tararua circuit, leader Dave
• 5, 6 or 7, Sat, Sun or Mon, Ruahine circuit, leaders Sally and Trish
• 12 or 13 Sat or Sun, Tongariro Alpine Crossing, leader Esther
• 13-20 Sun-Sun, Great Barrier Island, leader Dave
• 19-20 Sat-Sun, Waiaua Gorge Hut, leader John
•25-28 Fri-Mon, Kawekas, leader Tracey
• 26 Sat, Parihauhau, leader Allan
Make all inquiries about trips to Terry phone 021 262 7066 or Dorothy phone 345 7039.
The midweekers have a full programme of interesting trips every Wednesday.
Those who get out on Thursday are in two groups, with a longer walk on February 10 and 24 for the TT1 group and shorter ones for the TT2 group on February 3 and 17.
The Wednesday contact is Trish, phone 021 127 3862, and the Thursday contact is Anne, phone 345 4776.
Call both by 6pm the night before for day trips.
To join weekend trips call the leader by the previous Tuesday at the latest. Call by the night before for day trips.
As some trips have limited numbers, leaders have the final say about who to take as they are responsible for the safety and wellbeing of everyone on their trips. For further information visit our website www.whanganuitramping.org.nz
The next club meeting on Tuesday, February 1, at 7.30pm in the Veandercross Lounge at the Whanganui Racecourse, will feature a presentation by Fiona and Humphrey O'Leary on the Camino de Santiago pilgrim trail in northern Spain. All welcome.