You asked how the candidates would grow the economy, and when you read the responses there is nary a visionary amongst them. What a dismal selection. Charlie Anderson comes closest, but all the rest appear happy with what is happening already; the status quo. There is an adage that says;
Letters: Vision needed to grow Whanganui economy
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Vision needed to grow Whanganui economy. Photo / T and L Dickason
Rob Rattenbury: Call for New Zealand Wars remembrance day
Law Talk: Time to stop punishing addiction, new courts pave the way
The anti-vaxxers selfish rejection of a scientifically proven safe method of preventing the contracting of diseases such as measles or polio defies logical contemplation. This requires the gathering and weighing the available facts from various sources, and wherever possible from an empirically gathered and scientifically peer-reviewed source.
All too often rejection of such evidence is due to the formulation of an opinion that lacks such an approach. Instead information is gathered by discussions with friends who share their view of the world and an overconfidence in what a person believes they know. The result for anti-vaxxers is decisions being made that can jeopardise a community's health.
The overwhelming medical community supports the vaccination of children as being safe because of the evidence scientists have gathered and reviewed in order to publish their results. Those who deny the contribution man has made on climate change must be feeling stuck between the rock and a hard place, support or condemn the anti-vaxxers.
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