That monetary shortfall will have an impact on societies, both now and in the future. The strategies adopted by policymakers to achieve Trump's rallying call have led us into uncharted waters that future generations will probably not thank us for getting into.
Do as I say ...
I'm sure Potonga Neilson is correct and research would prove that the English colonisation of New Zealand was "an unlawful invasion".
However, by the same logic, the occupation of the country by his ancestors, the Māori, would also be unlawful unless they had some claim to the land that history has not recorded.
Perhaps he should be careful what he wishes for.
Montsenelle, France
We are the guilty
Well said, John Archer (letters, August 17), but let's take that one step further.
Those manufacturing, mining, transport, retail, airlines giants would not exist if we humans weren't too immersed in our culture of instant self-gratification to stop buying and using their services.
Let's not pass on the blame for the future mass murder of our own grandchildren and great-grandchildren, which is looming. We, ourselves, will be their murderers.
Who allowed this shocking state of affairs to bloom to such proportions? You and I did. Who used those services and demanded the goods, the oil and coal? We did.
Who ignored all the warnings over the decades? You and I.
We are the guilty who have passed those behaviours on to descendants.
So we had all better stop feeding our personal desires for the useless, damaging goods and services that are killing our world. Before you install a new kitchen/bathroom/ shower dome, whatever; ask yourselves, "Is this really necessary?" "Why am I buying this?" Is keeping up with the Jones' the prime driver? Or some other non-essential urge?
Then think of your grandchildren gasping for air and starving in 20 years' time, dying a slow death. And resist the urge.
Mea culpa.
Sexual revolution
Did I see the first light of a new day peeking through the last paragraphs of Keith Beautrais' opinion piece? The sanctioning of marriage and the protection of children?
The world power that led the hippie movement (that is, the sexual revolution) in the '60s has much to answer for.
•Send your letters to: Letters, Whanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Whanganui 4500 or email