The "doing so themselves" is called assisted suicide, not "euthanasia".
The "doing so themselves" is called assisted suicide, not "euthanasia".
Euthanasia or assisted suicide?
It was odd to read on the front page of Saturday's Chronicle (August 1) a supposed explanation of the euthanasia law that began with an error.
The first passage of the explanation of what this law does said, "It gives New Zealanders the option of legallyrequesting help to end their lives – either by doing so themselves (euthanasia) or with the help of a doctor (assisted dying)."
The "doing so themselves" is called assisted suicide, not "euthanasia", and it is where the person kills themselves with the poison given to them by the doctor.
The "help of the doctor" is the "euthanasia", as in the doctor actually injects the person with the poison, directly killing them.
This is not "assisted dying" as if the medical professionals are simply caring for the person as they are dying, that is what we have now. This is killing, or assisted killing in the case of the suicide.
As Carol Webb pointed out, referencing a trip to the vet (Letters, August 4), this new law is about having your relatives put down.
A BENFELL Gonville
Roads by any other name
On the front page of the Chronicle (August 5) Hamish McDouall stated that names of streets, etc, do get changed in recognition of a mayor having done a lot for the city.
Why, then, has the Landguard Bluff road not been renamed Poynter Rd and sealed? The road is used by hundreds of speedway fans who spend dollars in our city.
As part of a ring road from the airport it would provide a beautiful view of our river to the mountain.
Surely more beautiful than a view of a dog pound and sewage ponds!
Your letters:
A choice for the unborn
When shall common sense and decency prevail? (Framing of the abortion law unhelpful, Opinion, August 5) This discussion is about killing babies in the womb. Have we so few to defend them against this barbarism?
Would someone in journalism note, our most serious issues are over when someone in our midst is relegated the death sentence. No country in the last 4000 years has survived this practice. If we had enough readers of that considerable period, we would not be discussing the value of each human being, discussing who is expendable or no.
Curiously enough, only pro-lifers like Harete Hipango, by their stance, are saying each person in this country is worthy of protection. Compare Jacinda Ardern. Those defenceless creatures, the unborn, unable to defend themselves, are given no trial, no justice, no voice, they are to survive the best they can against a savage law and leader.
Put it this way. If Jacinda says each to their choice, should not those 12,000 babies aborted last year be given the same opportunity to choose?