I HAVE just completed reading extracts from Judge Dwyer's judgment in the case of Horizons Regional Council v Whanganui District Council in the matter of a sewage discharge into the Mowhanau Stream.
We ratepayers have much to thank the Whanganui Chronicle for in publishing (August 30) these extracts as, until now, all we have heard from the Whanganui District Council is its attempts to justify its lack of liability in this matter along with an outpouring of criticism against the Horizons Regional Council for pursuing the matter in court.
Now, thanks to you, we are aware that the Whanganui District Council ignored warnings as far back as 2015 from Horizons of the problems resulting from a possible power outage in their pumping stations. Then, when the Horizons warning came true, although the district council made a belated upgrade to avoid another overflow of sewage, it also stated an intention to retrospectively apply for discharge consent for the latest overflow. However, in the 15 months that followed, it failed do so. Had it applied and been successful, there would not have been a prosecution.
I see no honour for, nor give any credence to, the district council in attempting to blame the Horizons Regional Council for financial costs incurred in court as it was the author of its own fate. Instead, we see that the district council has again served the ratepayers of Whanganui very poorly and no accountability is accepted for its inactions.
In this entire debacle, the only one who stands head and shoulders above both councils with a reason for our respect is Judge Dwyer. In observing that the ratepayers had already borne the legal costs incurred by both councils, he asked that they agree on a way in which any financial penalty can be spent beneficially for the region and the district.