More than 60 firefighters worked on putting out the Thain's Building fire.
More than 60 firefighters worked on putting out the Thain's Building fire.
Sincere thanks to our cheerful firefighters We had a minor emergency at our house recently when an appliance caught fire. Unsure what to do, I turned off and unplugged the food processor, slowly took it outside and phoned the local fire brigade. In no time at all a cheerful bunch ofchaps arrived, dealt with the little furnace (now wreathed in flames), checked our smoke alarm and updated and increased our alarm protection. Team leader Shane checked several times to ensure I was not distressed. Great response - excellent service. Most sincere thanks to our fabulous firefighters. Pamela W Whanganui
No fairy tale Once upon a time in a land long ago, an individual was able to pick up a telephone, dial a number and in nine out of 10 times was able to contact the required person. Once upon a time, not so long ago, the same individual was able to switch on one's television, choose the appropriate functional channel and watch the Rugby World Cup every four years.
It was simple. Alas, times have changed, progress has gone backwards and such quaint, once established customs, are no longer available. I make a plea in this brief, nostalgic letter to Spark Sport, on behalf of all sports fans, not to put in a bid for next year's Olympics coverage for the sake of the mental health of all the nation.
I wish I could end with they all lived happily ever after, but I can't, because ironically in a fairy story that would be fake news, which I do not do. PAUL EVANS Parkdale
Grateful for care Recently I was admitted to Whanganui Hospital, firstly to Accident and Emergency for assessment, then transferred to the medical ward. During my stay of seven days I cannot praise enough the care, concern and consideration shown to me.
The ED department, medical ward, all the doctors, specialists, cleaners, porters, meal providers - a big thank you for making my stay as pleasant and comfortable as you did. We said pray to God for help and aid and he responded by sending all you wonderful angels to care for me.
Even though at times I could see you were stretched to the limit, you all kept happy smiley faces on. Once again, thank you and bless you all. JIM HULBERT Otamatea
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