If we are to maintain the status quo as far as Covid-19 is concerned our politicians must recognise the difference between what is best for Aotearoa and what serves to inflate their egos.
If we are to maintain the status quo as far as Covid-19 is concerned our politicians must recognise the difference between what is best for Aotearoa and what serves to inflate their egos.
What's best for NZ
Whilst over 99 per cent of the returning Kiwis have been successfully processed through quarantine and now live their lives across Aotearoa, a fraction of 1 per cent chose to break out.
During World War II, Colditz was considered by the Germans to be escape-proof, butit wasn't. The critical nature of maintaining the integrity of our borders in these times cannot be overstated. However political point-scoring by focusing on that fraction of a per cent can only be the action of those seeking to employ a divisive strategy.
Such strategies have been employed over many generations and proved time and time again to be detrimentally harmful to society.
If we are to maintain the status quo as far as Covid-19 is concerned our politicians must recognise the difference between what is best for Aotearoa and what serves to inflate their egos.
Hopefully, as the electioneering campaigns progress they will choose the former.
Your Letters
Lessons of the new world
1. More people die from the far more common influenza. 2. Hysteria is the most contagious virus of all. 3. Our world can function without our politicians having to fly first/business class, at the taxpayers' expense, for their political interests. Yay for Skype and Zoom ... Skype was available how many years ago? Asking for a friend. 4. Being kind is not a sound strategy. It's the desperate measure of PC propaganda. Forget the face masks ... bring me the vomit bag! 5. Call it hate speech but essential workers were never heroes. My own son, deemed as one, never saw himself this way. They could have opted out for "health reasons" but at 10 per cent extra pay who would? And what about the thousands, like me, who wanted to work but were told they couldn't? Are we, by contrast, losers? 6. We readily buckled to the megalomaniac government. Forgoing our rights to be at the bedside of dying loved ones because we bought into their scaremongering. All we got to see were the death rates. It was never balanced with the global population or survival rates. It was the bread and butter of MSM! Still is. 7. Haven't seen anything like it since Edward Bernays', the father of PR, "mindless manipulation of the masses". Screw the Covid testing! Is there a test for spine or balls?
The new seven deadly sins ... or plain gullibility and stupidity?
One of my sons has cancer ... ain't no government telling me when I can and can't visit him, while those in 5-star quarantine make a bloody mockery of the taxpayer-funded system ... cos we gotta be kind?
We stand up to outrage and the fight against injustice with campaigns like #blacklivesmatter, yet when it comes to our own civil liberties, we seem only too happy to suck them up because somebody, far removed from us tells us to. Where is the questioning of that protocol? Mindless or what?
The power of the people is strong ... but it needs to be channelled in the right direction!
Our absolute fear of Covid is not one of them. #perspective [Abridged]