WHANGANUI District Council CEO asks: "If you want something to stop, let me know". Mr Fell, I would like you to stop Whanganui and Partners.
It now has a board chair with at least four board members. Two (more?) board positions were recently advertised. It has a chief executive with a management team of five, but he is looking for more. One of his team was recently employed by the council, where her role seemed very similar to what it now is as a member of the Whanganui and Partners management team. Why could she not do that job as a council employee? Does she now get paid more?
Are there council employees currently assisting Whanganui and Partners? Others who may be considered fit for transfer?
The chief executive of Whanganui and Partners has a budget from which he distributes money to events which happen regardless of the existence of Whanganui and Partners. That gift of money could have come directly from the council.
This economic development agency continues to waffle along and fails to justify its existence with any original work.
I wonder how much money Whanganui and Shenanigans is receiving in total from my council, because I cannot find that information on their website. All I can find are abstract intentions and superfluous commentary on items or events that already exist due to others' efforts.
If this organisation fails, it will be good news for ratepayers, because money currently being wasted will be saved. If it is allowed to expand, I believe it will profit at community expense, and at the expense of genuine community groups, with less guarantee of oversight and increased problems with democratic participation.