So, well done, and thank you.
Christmas rush
Dani Lebo tells us Halloween is so much fun she can't face Christmas, then Jay Kuten promotes Thanksgiving (a truly worthwhile celebration of the life, breath and other blessings we all receive from God). Both writers being of American origin, I suppose it is natural that they would choose to promote American celebrations (though I fail to see the fun in ghouls, goblins and other ghastly creatures).
I totally agree with both that Christmas has taken on a temporary commercial glitz in place of the peaceful, reverent anticipation of the past. The answer, perhaps, is for those whom this offends to opt out of the rush, rush, buy, buy pressure and re-establish connection with the celebration of the birth of Christ among the least and the lowest, without proper clothing or shelter. A mysterious miracle of the Most High choosing to identify with the most low.
This year, give to the food banks, prisoners' aid, Birthright and others. Go and spend time with the lonely, or invite them to share a meal with you. Sing carols at the hospital and retirement homes. Discover how much more joy there is in giving of your time, energy and love than in receiving material things.
A joyous Christmas to all.
Need to listen
In her opinion piece (Chronicle, November 30) Nicola Patrick states the need to listen to each other when it comes to debating issues.
Nicola then proceeds to parade prejudicial judgments against the United States en masse and knee-jerk reactions from farmers, by which I guess she means any opinion with which she doesn't agree.
Perhaps, if she listened, she might find that what she dismisses as a knee-jerk reaction may be the legitimate concern of a person whose livelihood is affected and who has a vast amount of practical experience in the area in question.
She is out of order to discuss, in an opinion piece, what happens at the Horizons board table. It is the domain of an unbiased reporter to record the facts and leave ratepayers to decide the merits of Horizons board decisions for themselves.
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