PS: Thanks a million, Mark, as Wanganui Chronicle editor.
Some letters I wrote I did not think you would print but you did, and I respect you for that. You certainly did not run with the hares and hunt with the hounds.
You have left big shoes to fill. — (edited)
Exploitation curbed
My heart bleeds for those who object to being legally obliged to do what responsible landlords have already done for their tenants without being compelled to.
What cheek the Government has to try to curb their exploitation!
Homeless focus
Recently, I and about 15 others attended two Facebook posters' call for a residents-only meeting on "housing".
The assumption was that there is a major housing crisis here, covering those on the street to employed renters battling to find a home.
The term homeless, though, was not defined, nor which aspect was to be the focus.
Homelessness is defined by Statistics NZ (2009) currently as " ... living situations where people with no other options to acquire safe and secure housing are without shelter, in temporary accommodation, sharing accommodation with a household or living in uninhabitable housing".
The current definition does not purport to be a full and final definition.
It is not simply those on the street, under a bridge etc.
We need to widen our understanding to that which we cannot see and where the bulk do have a "roof" but not a "home".
Statistics NZ also states that it "may only be measured when in contact with a provider, agency or researcher".
Without those agencies attending, it's at this point in time a sincerely felt discussion only.
No agencies were invited, as the two conveners felt this was a people's grassroots discussion and ideas needed to be mulled, undirected by those on the front line.
Despite this, in the mix, it is noted that there was a priest present, two social agency workers, respected iwi, two community advocates, the deputy mayor and two with "earnest" views on refugees.
That latter topic was agreed to be excluded.
The attendees are not a group as yet, but if it firms up they need to consider which aspect of homelessness they wish to put their focus on and perhaps invite frontline agencies.
How does one "fix" something that has grown like a slow, festering wound for over a decade, been in the press for some years, and the expert solutions cannot keep pace with the growing human misery?
We are told by the Government it could be a huge issue for at least another two or three years and that they are "throwing everything they can at it".
The conveners should be commended for coming from a good heart space.
Send your letters to: The Editor, Whanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Whanganui 4500; or email