Greenies have dirty secret
For all the students going on strike over climate change: Riding a bike, walking or busing to school or work, growing your own food, recycling and using less plastic are great "do-able" things for each one of us.
This is about pollution, not climate change.
CO2 is not on
any pollutant register. I suggest that young people, the green/left educators and parents research Sulphur Hexa Fluoride (SF6).
It is a synthetic gas and the most powerful greenhouse gas known to man. It is used in switching gear in the electrical industry.
SF6 is 23500 times more warming than CO2 and persists in the atmosphere up to 1000 years.
Renewables are pouring SF6 into the atmosphere at an alarming rate.
According to the BBC, SF6 is the electrical industries' "dirtiest secret".
SF6 is something that Green Party leader James Shaw, Greenpeace CEO Russell Norman and actress/green activist Lucy Lawless and many other over-zealous ideologues do not tell the general public.
• Premium - Letters: Madness at Whanganui intersections
• Premium - Your Letters: Happy to break down in Whanganui
• Premium - Letters: Vision needed to grow Whanganui economy
• Premium - Letters: MP unaware of Climate bill urgency; reality check on Whanganui port
Evolution explained
Mike Philo, there is a huge difference between scientifically proven (through observation) adaptation within animal "kinds" and Darwinian evolution (of all living things from non-life passing through various non-viable intermediate stages) for which there is no shred of proof (fossil/biological/testable) except in the minds of those who choose to believe it.
All the examples you call evolution are merely adaptation within a group. Evolution of one organism into a different kind of organism altogether is nowhere to be found. Resistance to disease and chemicals is caused by mutations which inevitably weaken the organism in some other way.
Won't get my vote
I thank the Chronicle (August 28) for allowing Graeme Young to share with readers some insights into his reasons for seeking election to another three years as a Whanganui District councillor. It's easy to calculate that that would amount to about a further $100,000 to supplement his government superannuation payments. However, trying to decode his "logic" for standing again is making my head hurt!
What I do know is that he squeaked in as the lowest-polling of 12 councillors in the 2016 election after standing on David Bennett's lavishly promoted "four horsemen of the sewage apocalypse" ticket.
However, having observed many council meetings since then, I can say he's been one of the least energetic debaters and I'm unaware of any involvement he may have had in working for community causes.
That's in contrast to those councillors who have "adopted" suburbs or programmes, shown their commitment to fighting for those causes and putting energy into attending and promoting events.
Cr Young tells us he has spent the last three years "learning" the ropes at a cost to the ratepayers of about $100,000.
One unfathomable thought attributed to him in the Chronicle story announcing he's standing again was: "Young said the council should not be spending money, due to inflation at the moment that tended to suggest owning a large number of buildings would be an expensive operation". If anyone can decipher this paragraph, please contact me.
However, opponents of a pensioner housing sell-off will have noticed the smell of napalm in the paragraphs that followed: "If there is a way in which the pensioner housing can be handled more efficiently and benefit the occupants then the council should look at that.
"My view is that if that [see preceding paragraph] does happen then we've got to ensure people who are in those houses are better off than what they are now, otherwise think again."