I have never attacked people's religious or cultural views and beliefs; I would also consider my views would be "mainstream".
Dave talks about "important social issues", right or wrong I guess he's talking about the coming elections and our right or "choice" to terminate our life if we meet very strict legal criteria.
First, people must have a terminal illness and, within the last months of their life, they can agree to terminate it.
Currently they don't have that legal choice. Easy choice? Hardly, but terminal excessive pain and loss of body function is something that people do not need at the end of their life.
Society has changed in many ways in recent years. Some of those changes irk me, but I have kept my annoyance to myself. I would guess many of the changes go against what is written in the Bible.
So, compared to "social advancement" the world has undertaken in recent years, what's wrong in giving people the right to make their own choice to die with dignity?
Don't ram your views down their throats, respect their views.
It's a double-edged sword, Dave.
St John's Hill
• Letters: Well done, Whanganui
• Whanganui Chronicle letters: Freedom vs responsibility
• Premium - Whanganui letters: Aboriginal history, Boris Johnson, religion, and 5G
• Premium - Letters: Whanganui council called out on 'strategy of silence'
Climate debate
Most Whanganui District councillors impressed the crowded public gallery with their intelligent and thoughtful contributions on the
climate change declaration of emergency
this week, and some changed their minds after hearing the evidence from Alan Taylor and Josh Chandulal-MacKay.
However, as the Chronicle (Feb 11) records, Cr Graeme Young "did not speak to the motion" (that's council talk for he said nothing) and that leaves voters with no idea why he was one of only three to oppose Cr Taylor's move for the council to declare a climate emergency.
In his re-election campaign he made much of his experience as "a professional civil engineer" and claimed to have a sound knowledge of Whanganui District infrastructure.
It's apparent that the most immediate impacts of rapidly advancing climate change, including historic storms, flood levels and velocities, and fires will pose great challenges to the council's existing and future infrastructural needs if it is to protect people, property, roads etc.
We are fortunate the council has some top-rate engineers to handle these challenges.
•Send your letters to: Letters, Whanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Whanganui 4500 or email letters@wanganuichronicle.co.nz