One contractor told me that health and safety is now a huge part of the cost of fixing a pot hole.
One contractor told me that health and safety is now a huge part of the cost of fixing a pot hole.
Get rid of ridiculous red tape
Terry Sarten (Chronicle, March 14) berates Simon Bridges for threatening to put a bonfire under over-the-top rules and regulations.
Terry does not move in the world where rules and regulations drive up costs, that affect his wages, with time delays caused bytheir excessiveness.
Simon Bridges has to meet with the people who are affected, the people who make the economy function, so people like Terry can be paid, and they are not happy.
Everyone knows they have to obey some rules to protect their safety. Regulations are about collecting money, unfortunately they give some basic nobody, who does not appear to know who butters their bread, a whip hand.
This hand they move ever so slowly. To them time is not money, more time means less pressure, more time to have another coffee, in a nice warm building not exposed to the weather.
One contractor told me that health and safety is now a huge part of the cost of fixing a pot hole.
So Terry, Simon Bridges is being badgered to get rid of the ridiculousness. G R SCOWN Whanganui
Weird views
I would have thought at my age I would have adjusted to society and those people who we have in our society.
Sadly, using the letters to the editor as a guide, I get shocked and appalled at some of the rubbish that is dished up by some writers. Such a sensitive matter as death with dignity is a classic example.
First we have a heart-wrenching letter from Ian Bell, who is a well known and respected member of our community, telling us about his late wife of 60 years and his views on death with dignity.
Suddenly, we get a letter from a person who uses that letter to express her weird views on less than trustworthy governments siphoning much needed funding into the pockets of the wealthy and "eradication" of some within society would be a means of saving monies.
God forbid we have people walking about our community with views like that. In conclusion, I wish to thank Ian for his letter and say that you have my 100 per cent respect for the courage it would have taken to pen that letter.