Make no mistake we are being forced into a "bin for hire" contract which may or may not require providing bank details and a computer or mobile phone access. Too bad if you don't have these devices.
Make no mistake we are being forced into a "bin for hire" contract which may or may not require providing bank details and a computer or mobile phone access. Too bad if you don't have these devices.
Rubbish bags
It was with amazement I read the front page of Friday's Chronicle regarding [end of rubbish bag collection] in Whanganui.
I live in the east where we have three separate companies picking up the waste from their wheelie bins on ... wait for it ... Tuesday (Rivercity RubbishRemovals), Wednesday (Envirowaste) and Thursday (Waste Management).
That's really cost efficient ... isn't it? I think not!
Remember when all the bins (and bags) were all serviced on the one day in your street. Now we have the three companies vying for the same areas, which means that to travel those areas there is three times the amount of fuel, etc, being used to do the same job.
And ... the greenies will be enraged to read about this ... and not have been the first to think about the extra pollution being created, global warming being caused, as well as the extra costs (to us) to have three different rubbish trucks trundling down the road at different times providing the exact same service.
Surely there must be a better way to run this debacle. Come on council, get your act together!
G SIMPSON Whanganui East
Forced to hire bins
I read the "Bags on the way out" article in the Chronicle (July 24) and am appalled at the proposal. I also noticed the ad in the same paper.
It is not the simple pay as you go scheme they would have you believe. The real pay as you go is, purchase a sticker with the groceries, put it on the bag and out to the kerb.
Making that decision on rubbish day with no need to give 48 hours' notice of cancellation. Simple, straight-forward, status quo.
Make no mistake we are being forced into a "bin for hire" contract which may or may not require providing bank details and a computer or mobile phone access. Too bad if you don't have these devices.
Yes, the service can be suspended and reinstated but who is going to want that hassle, particularly if you have minimal waste.
Of course if you don't it will ultimately cost more ...
Interestingly, in the community survey two years ago option C - kerbside recycling and rubbish collection was estimated to cost $4.20/week.
Under this private scheme the cost is now $4.60/week with absolutely no recycling option. Although the garden waste can be collected for an additional $7/week.
To me, it is high time the Whanganui District Council fulfilled its obligations under the Local Government Act 2002 Amendment Act 2010 and provided services for solid waste collection and disposal.
Preferably this would include, like other far-sighted councils, rubbish, food scraps, recycling and glass bins to all households or at the very least a kerbside rubbish collection. Doing nothing will not minimise waste, encourage recycling or be sustainable.
With tapping this captive market the only real beneficiary of this "great alternative" version of PayAsUGO, ease of use scheme is Waste Management.