I'M somewhat surprised at Ross Fallen's response to the kerbside collection options and would possibly have noticed and been concerned had the first option been given a green bullet point and option C a red one.
Be that as it may, Fallen and many others see a red bullet point whenever there is a suggestion that "Rates will rise!" without considering that in the process their weekly costs for waste disposal will reduce in turn.
For example, waste management will charge $330 annually for a weekly empty of a 140-litre bin to landfill plus $150 annually for a weekly recycle empty, a total of $480 annually.
Envirowaste will cost $262 annually for a fortnightly 120-litre to landfill and $165 annually for a weekly 120-litre green waste, a total of $427 and do your own recycling.
Although these are not identical to the council's Option C, both are respectively $260 and $200 more than the council's proposed landfill and recycling option.
Apply a little logic to the differences and first up the council is not planning on making a profit from waste disposal but working towards less waste and better recycling, unlike both the waste businesses. Part of that $200+ per year per household is down to the fact that there are two waste trucks going down every street every week.