Option C will give me a 10 per cent rate increase — plus, whatever added increase in my yearly council rates the next time around.
Why would I vote for a 10 per cent rate increase? I guess I would if it's the best option. And if I vote for option C, and enough others do, I am adding to the burden of many who are in dire financial situations.
And to those fortunate enough to rent out properties, will they pass this on in rent increases? The disadvantaged will cop this rate no matter how little they use the service.
If green is an unfortunate and unintended subliminal message (which I believe is the case), it's still going to hurt all of us to some degree.
Oh well, it's just a survey. Like the "H" saga, the councillors get the vote, not us ... again.
Narrow focus no help
Russ Hay correctly points out some problems in the Roman Catholic church over homosexuality, lesbianism and paedophilia (Chronicle, October 16).
What we need to hear is our erstwhile writer pointing out the same problems in his own trade.
When he needs a lawyer or a doctor make sure he checks there are no deviants from the norm to compromise him.
A more obvious one is schools — again, don't forget to ask the principal if there are paedophiles.
There is a big problem to solve, with Russ not helping with a narrow focus. Try relating it to the Chronicle article a few days ago on young Nepalese girls being sold to India for prostitution. Is this religious as well?
Shorter is better
A few months back you made an editorial decision to increase the permissible length of letters to the editor to 300 words.
Since then the increased length of letters has, in many cases, been accompanied by a decrease in readability and interest.
This just goes to show what I was told by my third form grammar teacher many years ago — if you can't put your thoughts down in a few words, it's probably better for everyone if you keep them to yourself.
Please let's go back to shorter letters and more of them.
Cancer causes
Ailsa Dickson, like many, believes the sun causes melanoma. I lost a brother to melanoma.
British and Norwegian scientists some years ago released reports after 10-year and 20-year research projects in which they said they no longer believed the sun was the cause, because the people with the most sun-damaged skin had the least melanoma and the best cure rates; the "slip, slop, slap" brigade the most skin cancers and poorer cure rates.
It is very hard for a report like this to get traction as "slip, slop, slap" has become such a big money spinner.
Cells suffer damage that leads to mutations that can grow into full-blown cancer.
Scientists are now talking of nano-particles they can put into the bloodstream, and they will search out mutating cells leading to early detection, meaning early treatment, better cure rates.
Nature already has at least 80 nano-particles that travel around the body detecting these damaged cells.
They also have the ability to repair them, keep them healthy, magic.
Nature's nano-particles are called minerals, and if you infuse these into your body daily there is a fair chance you won't get cancer and, I would also suggest, depression, as they have the ability, along with cholesterol, to keep the brain healthy. Healthy brain, healthy mind.
Send your letters to: The Editor, Whanganui Chronicle, 100 Guyton St, PO Box 433, Wanganui 4500; or email editor@wanganuichronicle.co.nz