I have noticed a tendency when an opportunity presents itself - we take careful aim, and shoot ourselves in the foot. Everyone has their own pet example, beginning with the siting of Massey University, port development ... you name it.
The problem is quite simple: we need to bring more money into town. Three obvious ways are more industry, more tourism, and more education.
I believe that if the town is more attractive to tourists, it follows that it is also that much more attractive to move industry here, and will encourage the education industry. The only way we can squeeze more out of our own residents is to convince them that it is not such a bright idea to spend $80 to travel to Palmy to save 20 bucks on a pair of shoes.
So what have we got to offer? Why would someone from Wellington or another main centre want to come and visit us with their money?
When my wife and I decided to move back to Wanganui from Wellington five years ago, we would announce it to friends and acquaintances and there was one of two predictable reactions - either a wrinkling of the nose, as if we had just dropped a dead fly into their latte, or a wistful smile born of pleasant memory and the gushing forth of an envious "Oh yes, it is a very beautiful place". The former, I am sure, was as a result of noise such as the gang patch debacle. And - not that we should just roll over and allow the Corrections Department to turn our city into a freak show - impressions will not have been helped by our fuss about the Stewart Murray Wilson move and, if we aren't careful, the oxidation pond odour.
We need to capitalise on the positive reactions to our city. People that come here love it; the nose-wrinkling followers of fashion will change their minds after a visit, and tell others.
People will not come here just to see the Waimarie or the Sarjeant Gallery or the River Traders' Market - they will come to be entertained by a mixture of all of those things. We are friendly, hospitable people who live in a beautiful and charming part of the world. The trick is to market the experience of all of those things that together make Wanganui a desirable destination.
Of course, people may visit Hawera to see Nigel Ogle's amazing Tawhiti museum, or the Rangitikei for its incomparable beauty, or the mountains. In that case, we must make Wanganui a base for their holiday - we are on the apex of a triangle of fascinating beauty which is well worth the petrol from anywhere, especially Wellington, Palmerston North or New Plymouth.
So let's get cracking, people, but please ... aim well away from our own feet.