It has long been noted that keeping a pet is good for us - dogs in particular.
Not everyone is a dog person, some prefer cats. Others, of course, don't hold with animals as pets. However, those who chose a canine companion gain in terms of their mental and physical wellbeing.
The bond enjoyed between a pet dog and its owners is said to improve health. As most who have owned a dog will tell you, the companionship and loyalty your pooch displays has a noticeable effect on your mood and general feeling of wellbeing.
But dogs can be cause for concern. While the majority of dog owners treat their animals properly and obey the laws, there are those whose actions leave a lot to be desired. An uncontrolled animal can be a menace, through aggressive behaviour, or simply by fouling the environment.
Dog owners owe it to their animals and the rest of the community to ensure their pets are well cared for, trained, properly exercised and given appropriate treatments depending on their health. Within that comes the need for exercise and the responsibility to clean up after your pooch.