I RECENTLY watched one of the best kids' movies that I have ever seen - Inside Out.
Unfortunately, my children had to watch it with me, which meant that they missed snippets of the movie. I could not stop myself whispering to my boys (well, as best as I can whisper when I am excited): "OMG, this is brilliant - this is how your emotions can influence your behaviour and thoughts" and "This is why you can't be happy all the time" and "See how anger can take over."
People will take all sorts of things from this movie. For instance, my boys thought this was a fun movie and they identified more strongly with one emotional "character" than the others. Interesting.
Another child was intrigued - and indignant - that her brain got rid of some of her memories when she slept. She was sure that she might need some of those memories later on. Other kids just thought the movie was a hoot.
I wish this movie had been made when I was working as a psychologist, as it provides an incredibly accessible way to understand how our emotions, thoughts, memories and behaviours all work closely together. After watching the movie, I was sure that a psychologist or behavioural scientist must have written the movie. Turns out they sort of did.