It's been a good week for animals ... unless you're a duck, of course, in which case you might have been served up at the dinner table.
The Government climb-down over legal highs not only sought to protect humans from the perils of synthetic cannabis, it even extended to four-legged creatures with Prime Minister John Key surprising even his closest allies by proving a bit of a softy.
The testing of these recreational drugs on animals was outlawed this week, along with the drugs themselves.
Whether Mr Key was showing a compassionate side or just sniffing which way the political wind was blowing, who can say? But the about-turn cleverly headed off a Labour Party petition to ban such animal testing - a petition which was gathering pace in a way not seen since the petition to ban the gassing of dogs in Wanganui.
So, much joy for animal welfare organisations like SAFE and Animal Watch Whanganui - and for Labour senior pro and dog-owner Trevor Mallard who was in town this week beating the drum for all creatures great and small.