The saying "accentuate the positive" is a reminder to reconsider what our accents say about us.
As a New Zealander living in the Land of Oz, it always comes as a surprise when the way we pronounce some words is reflected back. Does it really sound like brin miffens when we ask for a bran muffin? Apparently it does.
Another source of verbal embarrassment, pointed out with glee by Australians, is the NZ airport announcement calling "Mr and Mrs Soandso, please come to the "chicken counter". Ordering fush and chups invariably causes some hilarity. I have had Aussies ask me to say it purely for their entertainment.
Australians have their own collection of verbal fur-balls. Despite the influence of recent immigrants from all over the world, examples of the true ocker accent can still be heard. If your only experience of hearing this has been in comedy programmes such as Kath and Kim you will require an emergency fix of restraint.
In my oft misspent youth, I travelled to Britain and Europe. My first encounter with people in rural Devon was a shock. My only previous experience of this region was via TV and radio comedy so when locals talked to me I had to rapidly reset the wavelength.