AFTER LAST week I thought I would give you a Bargain Box of my own making ... two tales for the price of one but both themed on crime.
Most United States presidential campaigns have been won on the promise of being tough on crime.
Richard Nixon targeted blacks who were deemed somewhat redundant once they had equal rights; Ronald Reagan waged his war on drugs; for George Bush it was terrorists and immigration; and Bill Clinton, the only one to admit he made mistakes, waged war on all of the above thanks, in part, to the influence of ALEC, the American Legislative Exchange Council.
This was a highly questionable group of politicians and corporations and it suffered some embarrassing exposure of its inner workings. So much so that many corporate members have now distanced themselves or cut ties completely when newly-passed bills were seen to favour them. An example would be Walmart and its increased gun sales after the Stand Your Ground bill was pushed through.
All candidates preyed on people's fear and promised, through propaganda, to be the saviour.