Despite many blunders, Trump's politically incorrect policies seem to have struck a chord with the silent majority who have all but given up on more conventional politics.
The people are growing ever weary of the usual empty promises and political double speak that contains more spin than a vat of cotton candy. The attempt at sugar coating has become sickly sweet to the point of nausea..
I'm not saying Trump would be a great President but his style is certainly refreshing, even if you don't agree with his views. The fact that he makes mistakes and big ones at that, almost adds to his clown-like charm. He's human, imperfect and unapologetic for his flaws. While plenty find him both arrogant and ignorant, there are vast numbers that can relate. He's not some puppet at the mercy of speech writers and aides. Right or wrong he's prepared to own what he says and does.
I for one am not the least bit surprised that this particular Trump has found his place in the pack. He is the epitome of the American success story - a self-made man with the relentless grit and determination to bounce back from bankruptcy and accumulate an empire. If he has the tenacity and skill to do it for himself, isn't it just possible that he could do the same for his country?
Surprisingly, even his outright buffoonery also seems to work in his favour, making him less threatening and intimidating, which to many can be seen as a plus. He has a sense of humour and the appearance of a man who doesn't take himself too seriously. For some it's endearing. So is Trump the joke or the joker of the pack? Time will tell.
Even if he fails, Trump's popularity with the voter to date has sent an abundantly clear message to the present administration that the people are restless.
The voter, as we know, can be an extremely fickle creature by nature, especially those desperate for change. Desperate people tend to do desperate things and if Trump happens to have an ace or two up his sleeve with which to impress the people, the voter themselves could be the wild card, allowing Trump to come up trumps. No doubt he's pinning his hopes on a good kitty.
-Kate Stewart is a staunch advocate of common sense and three-ply toilet tissue.
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