SAFE in the knowledge that your hand won't be coming out of the paper to slap me indignantly in the face, I'm just gonna come right out and ask you.
How much do you charge for sex?
You might want to think very carefully before you answer though because when we really look closely at the question and break it down, we all have our price.
The currency may be different but one way or another we all pay and/or get paid for sex.
Many of us want to believe that such a question can only be asked of a sex worker, a profession that more often than not is frowned upon and considered the lowest of the low when, truth be told, it's probably the most honest and straightforward of all sexual transactions. For those not seeking commitment sex is guaranteed, unlike the outcome of an expensive date. No mind games, no emotions, no strings. Just a simple payment for services rendered. Safe sex with a partner who is required by law to undergo and provide proof of regular sexual health checks.