We're labelled haters, ignorant, bigots - you name it, we're everything that is wrong and no longer tolerable in the world that prides itself on its misguided sense of tolerance.
Socially and politically bullied into appearing all-embracing by those who refuse to tolerate anything less, let alone our own individual views, which incidentally and all importantly are no less valid than that of their own.
If you're an Asian male, choosing to identify as a white, transexual, celibate camel with a third hump and the preferred pronoun of "it" more power to you - I'll happily acknowledge that but how dare you have the gall to expect me to relinquish my moral compass to satisfy your selfish, narcissistic, entitled need for acceptance.
Most are familiar with the saying "if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck ... it's probably a duck".
So why should the continuation of my viewing you as an Asian male be any less valid than your need to identify as something else?
It's an extension of what I wrote about last week.
Truth ... or should that be beliefs?
We all have our own and none is more worthy than another.
I just don't understand how we no longer seem to be able to be faithful to our own belief systems without attracting unjust and unwarranted criticism from those who actually believe our opinions are irrelevant just because they don't align with theirs.
We're constantly being made to feel guilty because we question and have apprehensions about certain things.
Take the recent case of the proposed refugee resettlement plans for Whanganui.
I'm not afraid to admit that I'm sceptical and have reservations.
Rightly or wrongly, when I think of refugees, I think of those living in tents, on borders - a no man's land with no hope of escape, not those who have the money to secure illegal passage and then ungratefully bitch about the proposed resettlement cities, playing the victim before they even get here, stating they should have the right to decide where they want to live ... and surprise, surprise, it ain't here, in little old Whanganui.
No, they're demanding the big centres and we're all a pack of assholes if we don't succumb to their demands.
They need to be in the big cities where they can "identify" with those that have come before them, to feel "included".
Give me a break, would a bonafide refugee really give a toss on where they were resettled if their life depended on it?
And so again, we are expected to automatically side with them and view them as the unfortunate victims of continued persecution that they claim to be.
History has shown us that the radical minority have constantly bought down the silent and law-abiding majority - we need only to refer to 9/11.
Fair, maybe not - but valid, hell yes!
And because I have done my research, I have a plethora of facts to prove my point.
I'm well aware that my point is a highly contentious one and probably won't win me any friends but I'm not interested in being a people pleaser.
I identify with my truth, which is as equally pertinent as anybody else's.
The only difference being is that I don't expect you to agree for fear of being labelled a traitor should your view differ to mine.
Our identities are unique and intimately personal ... not something we should expect to be adopted by everyone.
They're our point of difference - can't we just be happy with that?
To not agree is not a crime, contrary to popular opinion.
All opinions welcome:investik8@gmail.com