The lobbying, backroom deals, backstabbing, back-handers, back-scratching and "back rubs" traded for favours. The bribery and corruption are more cautiously concealed in a backpack. You get my point ... all the action is happening in the back.
The bits we get to see up front are literally a front.
The PR machine is also a fascinating thing. These fact re-shapers, as I like to call them, are truly gifted. The top-notch spin doctors and professional scaremongers work together, like highly skilled makeup artists to masterfully makeover the truth.
With lashings of concealer, plenty of plumpers and fillers and some careful highlighting they can turn a cow's fart on a ranch in Texas into a threat of chemical warfare against the president himself.
The really sad part, though, is how many people believe it, without question.
But it's the power struggles that really dominate. The jockeying for position. It's easy to see how power or the promise of it can corrupt or at the very least see one lose sight of their core values and beliefs.
Take Andrew Little for example. Hyped as a good loyal Labour man, wanting nothing but the best for his party.
Surely with approval ratings like his and an upcoming election, it would serve his party better if he were to gracefully step aside and gift his role to his far more popular deputy.
But no ... with a taste of power under his belt, what's best for the party seems to have gone out the window.
He's hoping instead to be propelled into power with the assistance of Jacinda Ardern's suspender belt. Perhaps not as faithful to the best interests of Labour as he once was, driven now by his own interests and career aspirations.
Frankly, I'm a little concerned that, as such a strong role model for women, Ms Ardern has allowed herself to be used in this way or is this the sacrifice she is willing to make for her very own taste of power?
Whether here or in the US, it's clear that a house of cards is a precarious structure, a political minefield if you will. Not too many people can navigate it both successfully and without injury.
Sadly I have another year to wait for season six but in just a few short months we could be witnessing the building or rebuilding of our very own House of Cards.
Fingers crossed for a great foundation and not too many rooms out the back! #dontholdyourbreath