Appearances can be deceiving, can't they?
A person who appears at first glance a rough diamond may well turn out to be the most polite, gracious and generous soul you have met. Likewise, just because someone is well-groomed doesn't make them immune to all the traits we find undesirable.
First impressions are largely formed through our appearance and the mask we wear can be manipulated in so many different ways to convince people we are one thing or another. The colour of our hair, its styling, our dress sense and formality all help shape people's perceptions of what kind of person we really are.
How often have you heard someone when perhaps runs foul of the law that they "always thought he looked like a bad egg"? Or, "she seemed so nice and looked so innocent, it's hard to think she would do anything like that" of a woman on drugs charges, for instance.
Court appearances themselves are fascinating. So often people who otherwise wouldn't thank you to be seen in a tie stand in the dock trussed up and uncomfortable, hoping the court will see them in perhaps a different light than whatever charges they face suggests of their character.