Paula Bennett should resign. Not only from her post as Deputy Prime Minister, from which she should have been removed by Bill English. Not only from her role as Police Minister. She should resign from Parliament.
Her statement in defence of National's dangerous plan for the introduction of warrantless searches is indefensible in a democracy, and so is the whole plan.
First, the idea of warrantless searches is being proposed as a method of curbing drug abuse, in particular the illegal amphetamines. This disregard of the protections spelled out in our Bill of Rights Act (1990) might be justified in the face of an existential threat to national security but, even in such cases there would need to be a debate as to the necessity of elimination of judicial oversight.
That can hardly be the case here as the imminence of any danger is highly questionable. The amphetamine ("P") issue has been with us for years. If it's now more serious, providing a rationale for no-knock entry to gang members' homes, why has Jonathan Coleman resisted an inquiry into this mental-health problem?
It is all too easy for politicians near election time to look as if they're doing something serious to decrease crime, emulating Donald Trump by enlarging police powers with no evidence that such action does anything but appeal to those voters likely to be swayed by fear.