The Ranga Tupua iwi collective will use millions of dollars of government funding to send mobile units into isolated, rural and vulnerable communities to help them prepare for Covid-19.
The collective of Rangitīkei, central plateau, South Taranaki and Whanganui iwi secured $2.8 million in funding provided by the government to lift vaccination rates in Māori communities.
Operations lead and chief executive of Ngā Tāngata Tiaki o Whanganui, Nancy Tuaine, says the iwi collective will "go hard" in the drive to reach the government's 90 per cent vaccination target.
"For some parts of our communities there's a long way to go. We want to get out there amongst the people and just understand … is it that they need more information, is it that they're still waiting to see about its effectiveness, or is it that they've just made a decision not to?