Flexibility or mobility is the first rung of the "fitness ladder".
Physical fitness has many components such as muscular strength, endurance, power, co-ordination, balance and cardiovascular fitness. Flexibility and stretching are the most neglected aspect of many fitness programmes and are simply not on the fitness ladder for some.
Many gym goers don't take the time to stretch after working out and then wonder why they develop injuries. How many of you take the time to stretch your muscles after your walk, run, swim, or game of golf?
Mobility is the ability to take your joints through a range of gentle pain free movements and stretching helps to lengthen your muscles. Spending time each day or even weekly if time is short will help to prevent mechanical imbalances in your back, hips, shoulders and neck. These imbalances shift your body segments out of proper alignment and result in stress and strains and poor posture.
Many factors limit our flexibility such as bones, muscles, ligaments, muscular bulk and weight, age, temperature, clothing, and gender.