Coping on the other hand is different to resilience. On the surface someone may be coping with say the Covid situation. They are going to work, doing a good job, and interacting with others in a positive way. In effect they are "just getting by". Underneath they may be suffering from depression, anxiety and chronic stress.
I am certainly not immune to stress and the current economic situation has definitely tested our coping mechanisms. However, owning a business that relies on customers means we need to be resilient.
What I have learned over 40 years of being in this industry is that being fit is what helps me to cope in uncertain times which then builds on my resilience. Ask anyone who is physically fit about their mental wellbeing. Generally they will respond positively about it.
While we are in level 2 and able to live freely – move, exercise, be outdoors, play our sport – it's extremely important to build on our physical fitness. Support local gyms, sports clubs and organisations who provide fitness opportunities. This is not the time to hide away. It is the time to be fit so you can cope mentally and support others who may not be in such a strong position as you.
It's human nature to think the worst of a situation and if it's going to cause us any discomfort naturally we will avoid it. However, the cold mornings, wet days, late nights, are not in our minds valid reasons to ignore your health. And that is exactly what you are doing when you say "it's cold this morning I'm not getting up to exercise". Or "it's raining – I'll give the gym a miss today".
Hello, the last time I looked we were an indoor venue. So are you going to be coping or just getting by or are you going to be the one who has built in coping strategies and resilience to face the future? And also be the one to help others get through because there will be those people who just can't manage.
Let's put a positive spin on this if it seems like I haven't already. Tomorrow morning you know it's going to be cold or raining but you know you've got to exercise. So get your thermals out, be prepared for the weather, and wrap up against the cold. In the morning go for a 30 minute brisk walk or support your local gym.
The way you think is the way you will behave. Think positive about your improving your health and you will act in its best interests. It is possible to change and rewire our thinking to create a positive dialogue within ourselves. And remember Her Fitness is a very supportive positive environment because we have members who prove that to us every morning, all day every day.
Get out there people of Whanganui, improve your mental and physical health, you will always need it, not just during the Covid pandemic.
Her Fitness 59 Ingestre St, Wanganui P3489121 E