Mr Edwards said the board of trustees and the senior staff, despite some opposition, were convinced there was a demand for high quality co-education.
"With no boarding opportunities for girls in the lower North Island, we felt we had an obvious marketing advantage if we were to offer boarding. It made sense for us to offer what many modern families want. After all, parents want both their sons and daughters to succeed in life."
The roll at Huntley is 105 boys and 34 girls.
Mr Edwards it has been lovely to have brothers and sisters together at the school.
"We've noticed that often the girl can be braver than many of their male classmates which helps to push the boys. Her flair for arts and performing is a positive influence.
She's able to explore her passion for dance now that we provide dance programmes and ride her pony as part of the equestrian we are offering in conjunction with Nga Tawa."
However the majority of leadership positions are still held by boys.
Mr Edwards believes the benefits of the new co-educational model are numerous.
"The changes have meant our students grow and develop in a more natural environment, where they relate to both genders, just as they do in a family."
Just this week Huntley School took out the under-13 boys' grade in the six-hour road biking challenge at Manfeild and Year 8 student Sophie Williams has become the national 2000m champion. Mr Edwards lives on the school grounds with his family.
"My eldest, who is 6s, can't wait to come to Huntley. At the moment he has to go primary school down the road."
Boarding supervisor Nadene Jongen said it's been a family affair for her at Huntley with her father, Dave Calkin, head of woodwork classes while mum Merle was a matron.
She admits 82 boarders keep her on the run, but wouldn't have it any other way. "I wouldn't want to be anywhere else."