1. What language was used for a message in a bottle floated down from the siege of Pipiriki in 1865?
2. Why was November 6, 1989 a big day in Whanganui retail?
3. Name the only two Whanganui street names which contain a z.
4. Which is the longest of the lakes Kaitoke, Wiritoa and Pauri?
5. Who was the former Whanganui city councillor who founded the Virgina Lake Trust in 2000?
6. Where did the giant rata Ratanui place in the Tree of the Year contest?
7. Which Whanganui local body representative has a lavender farm at Westmere?
8. Who operates the amazing Aramoho Toy Museum?
9. Name the judge who in 1997 recognised aboriginal and Te Tiriti o Waitangi rights to customary fisheries.
10. What was the original role of the Mangatepopo Camp near Tongariro National Park which has been enjoyed by many school students over the last 50-plus years?
Quiz Answers
1. Latin, so Māori could not read it. Translated, the message read: "All men are well. Send things at once." The bottle was found by a man walking on the Whanganui riverbank. He passed it to the military authorities who sent a relief force upriver.
2. It was the day the Trafalgar Square shopping complex was opened.
3. Pharazyn St and Fitzherbert Ave.
4. Wiritoa.
5. Sandy Dobbin who died last month aged 90. The trust organises volunteer working bees and raises money to enhance and improve the lake reserve.
6. Ratanui, which is in Tarapuruhi Bushy Park, placed third.
7. Kate Joblin.
8. Dan Hurley. The museum is open to the public by appointment.
9. Judge Andrew Becroft.
10. It was the Mangatepopo School from 1934 to 1963.