4. How many homes has the Chronicle had?
5. Which prominent Whanganui building is considered to be one of NZ's finest examples of modernist architecture?
6. We know this former National MP as Chester Borrows but what are his birth Christian names?
7. Which racing club held its first meeting just ahead of the Wanganui Jockey Club?
8. Which Whanganui business has the same name as a famous shopping and entertainment district in Tokyo?
9. Which Whanganui institution, still going, started with a formal meeting here in 1883?
10. Where was NZ's first offshore port?
Quiz answers
1. The Commercial Hotel.
2. Maire wood and iron.
3. 1871.
4. Seven, counting its present home on the corner of St Hill and Guyton Sts.
5. The Whanganui War Memorial Centre.
6. Kerry James Borrows.
7. Nelson — both had their first race meetings in 1848.
8. Ginza Bargain Superstore.
9. The YMCA, today known as YMCA Central — Whanganui.
10. Waipipi, near Waverley, servicing the iron sands industry.
Six correct — good; 8 — very good; 10 — genius!