- How many flights does Air Chathams make in and out of the city each week?
- Which town recently had its train passenger stop reinstated?
- In which Whanganui suburb do you find the Ladysmith Flats?
- Which Whanganui school principal spoke at the Round Square Heads’ Symposium in London last month?
- Ajax’s Sidekick: Adventures in Conservation is the latest book by which author?
- Who has been awarded a Prime Minister’s Scholarship for Asia?
- Which Raetihi church is to undergo renovations costing about $1 million?
- Name the Whanganui doctor who has been the volunteer project manager behind large-scale native tree planting at Hylton Park.
- Where do you find the new Jars Café in Whanganui?
- Waverley School will mark what anniversary this year?
Quiz answers
- Thirty-six.
- Taumarunui. KiwiRail dropped it from the North Island main trunk service along with Marton and 10 other stops in 2012.
- Whanganui East.
- Collegiate’s Wayne Brown. Collegiate is one of three NZ members of the global Round Square School organisation.
- Wildlife biologist Corey Mosen. The book follows Corey and his loyal canine mate in NZ and across the globe.
- Lee Arna Nepia. She will work for a non-profit organisation in Japan from February to May.
- The Rātana Temepara [temple]. The distinctive building began as a Methodist church. The two towers were added after it switched to the Rātana faith in the 1950s.
- Dr Deon Hazelhurst. Volunteers have planted around 6000 trees.
- At the Whanganui Airport.
- It will be 150 years old.
Six correct — good; 8 — very good; 10 — genius!
Quiz compiled by Dave Scoullar